Notable Quotes and Sausage Relevant Observations

Notable Quotes and Sausage Relevant Observations

First, lets toss out the dubious quote often attributed to Otto Von Bismarck about sausage making and politics. There’s no reliable historical source that documents that “Gesetze sind wie Würste, man sollte besser nicht dabei sein, wenn sie gemacht warden” was ever uttered by Otto.

Now with that moldy old false fact put aside, we can bring to your attention some notable thoughts on sausage and the human condition.

“Lawsuit: a machine, which you go into as a pig and come out as a sausage.”
Ambrose Bierce

“Many men are like sausages; whatever you stuff them with, that they will bear in them.”
Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

“A party is like a sausage machine, it grinds up all sorts of heads together...

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Quit Demeaning Sausage Making

Sausage Display at J & J Czuchraj Meats</a>, Cleveland, OH

Sausage Display at J & J Czuchraj Meats, Cleveland, OH


It’s fine if MSNBC and FOX have a war of words over whose leading us to Armageddon. Given recent history there’s ample proof neither political party could even lead us to Armageddon successfully – so color us doubtful.

But, the never ending heat wave across the whole country, too much television (who wants go outside?), and political hyperbole around the deficit is a toxic cocktail that’s been slipped into our drinking supply.

The last two weeks in talks with the leadership from both sides of the aisle has worn me out from the sausage making process. It was ugly, perverse and disgusting.

–Kent Antonius, Editor & Publisher

I think these noxious cocktails are especially affecting the media folks you want to give us the in...

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Italian Beef/Sausage Pinwheel

Italian Beef/Sausage Pinwheel

Italian Beef/Sausage Pinwheels

This recipe is easy to assemble – even if you have too many tailgate beers before hand. On the plus side, it’s very good eating and works very well for a group of people where the cholesterol content can be split among many.

Sausagefest, football, beer…it’s a trifecta hard to beat.

Yield: 4

Italian Beef/Sausage Pinwheel

Italian Beef/Sausage Pinwheel


  • 1 Roll Pizza crust, Thin crust works well; thick crust holds more poundage better.
  • 1 to 1.5 Pounds Italian beef with au jus
  • 1 to 1.5 Pounds Italian sausage, Get the bulk ground sausage; hot or sweet your choice
  • 1 Pound Shredded cheese (Mozzarella), I would sug...
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Roasted Chorizo & Summer Vegetables


Click here to read’s interview with Pat & Ellie Mullins.

LOCAL Sustainable Foods & Cured Meats was established in 2010 in New Buffalo, MI. Click here to visit LOCAL.

They shared this recipe with

Yield: 6

Roasted Chorizo & Summer Vegetables

Pat & Ellie Mullins Local
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes


  • 2 Eggplants, Cut into thin rounds
  • 6 Tomatoes, Cut into thin rounds
  • 4 Zuchinni, Cut into thin rounds
  • 3 Sweet Yellow Onions, Cut into thin rounds
  • 6 Fresh Thyme Sprigs, Leaves only
  • 4 Bay...
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Sausage Alla Botto

Sausage Alla Botto

November brings the first serious chill to many parts of the country. Sausage Alla Botto fits the bill of being hearty and filling, and if you use hot Italian sausage, you can add some additional warmth.

For this recipe we want to say Thanks to the C.W. Brown Company. They are the oldest sausage making company in the state of New Jersey. They are located in Mount Royal, New Jersey (about 30 minutes from Philadelphia) where they started their sausage business in 1887. You can read more about them at:

Yield: 4

Sausage Alla Botto

Sausage Alla Botto


  • 1 pack Botto's Sweet or Hot Italian Sausage, If you can’t use Botto’s sausage, substitute in your local favorite Italian sausage.
  • ...
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On the Sausage Trail…June, 2024

Miskatonic Brewing Craft Kitchen Logo

Thirty-three miles west of downtown Chicago, is Naperville, Illinois. Naperville has a lot to recommend it.

It’s the fourth largest city in Illinois. According to Niche (, Naperville is usually in the top rankings for best places to live in the US. Niche puts a lot its focus on educational institutions, but they don’t have much to say about sausage and beer infrastructure.

Here at Sausagefest, we have those priorities in mind and want to suggest that on your next visit to Naperville you pay a lengthy visit to Miskatonic Brewing Craft Kitchen.

When we stopped in for lunch the brewery sign got us in the door. What kept us there for 90 minutes was the interesting menu, the ample beer choices and our chance to talk sausage with their Executive Chef, Daniel Davis.

First off, ...

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LadBaby Rocks!

LadBaby Hits No 1 in the UK!

At we applaud and salute LadBaby and their No 1 UK hit song “I Love Sausage Rolls!” It’s a spoof of the famous Joan Jett hit “I Love Rock and Roll” only with sausage. What could be better, you ask? What could possibly be cooler than sausage and rock and roll? Well, maybe beer and sausage and rock and roll but that’s a minor quibble.

What makes this effort truly fantastic is that, per this The Guardian article entitled “‘I Love Sausage Rolls is for people who can’t eat’: LadBaby’s Mark Hoyle”, proceeds will “benefit the Trussell Trust, a charity that supports more than 1,200 food banks in the UK.”

Even more amazing is that LadBaby also reached No 1 last year with their hit song “We Built This City …on Sausage Rolls!” Accor...

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Sausage Hate Abounds

No Love For Love Sausage

We at are increasingly aware that the sausage world is constantly under attack, most recently by an elected official in Scotland. Paisley Southeast Independent Councillor Paul Mack has called for Marks & Spencers Love Sausage to be removed from Renfrewshire outlets! Marks & Spencers Love Sausage is a heart shaped, bacon wrapped sausage, which was marketed as a Valentine’s Day special.

This Daily Record article entitled “Controversial Paisley councillor takes aim at Marks & Spencer’s ‘Love Sausage’…” details the Councillor’s misguided attempt to ban the sausage. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed...

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Sausagefest 2017 Review

Sausagefest 19 – Summary of the Fest 2017

After 19 years there were still new things to see and experience:

  • The first time it rained on Sausagefest in 19 years; about 15 minutes of hard rain (not that anyone in the wine tent cared).
    Addison's First Sausagefest 2017

    Addison’s First Sausagefest

  • Our granddaughter Addison attended her first Sausagefest! (See picture at right.)
  • Fewer than four wine glasses broke – a new record.
  • The largest number of lazy-RSVP’s to ever attend; we had 51 RSVPs but 82 people attended.
  • For the first time ever, we had ten bottles of wine left over. That never happens, but it did this year.
  • A spectacular array of desserts was gifted to the Fest – and we thank all the people with baking skills.
  • The first time we had sausage from Taiwan.
  • For the first time ever we have co-champions in bo...
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Embrace the Sausage, Grasshoppers!

Embrace the Sausage, Grasshoppers!

This just in from the “One person’s sausage is another’s poison” department:

The Problem

Hayley Higgins, a “mum of four” from Norris Green, Liverpool, dared to look a gift sausage in the mouth and now must be held accountable. Manna from heaven, in the form of sausage and chips, showed up at her door on Christmas Eve. Instead of thanking her lucky stars for this stroke of sausage serendipity she put up a big fuss because she didn’t get the pigs in blankets, roast potatoes and sprouts she had ordered weeks in advance. Ms...

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In Search of the Naked Truth

In Search of the Naked Truth

After a photo of a naked butcher preparing sausages appeared on Facebook, Australian authorities have vowed to get to the bottom of the story. They seek nothing but the bare facts and will not ass-ume anything. Nothing shall “hinder” their efforts to expose the naked truth.

Per the ABC Australia article, the photo “shows a butcher handling sausages dressed in only boots and an apron, leaving his bare buttocks exposed.

The butcher has been terminated from his employment and a meat recall has been issued.

It would be easy to “crack” a butt joke here but the naked butcher has enough problems without being made the butt of a sausage joke. Besides, this is no laughing matter! We have already issued a travel warning for Adelaide, where a superm...

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Evo Terra, A Hero

Sausage Super Hero

Given the abundance of negative sausage news out there it’s understandable that any sausage lover might start feeling a bit depressed. There’s the sad story of the 22 year old unemployed, hyphenated Floridian who pelted his mom with sausage because she didn’t drop everything and make him a meal. A true candidate for the Sausagefest Wall of Sausage Shame if ever there was. Then there’s the report out of Milwaukee regarding the shutdown of a sausage plant after recalling 13 tons of headcheese due to a listeria threat. Speaking of the Wall of Sausage Shame, there’s this story regarding the German “sausage cartel” that was fined millions for keeping sausage prices artificially inflated for well over a decade...

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