We at Sausagefest.com are increasingly aware that the sausage world is constantly under attack, most recently by an elected official in Scotland. Paisley Southeast Independent Councillor Paul Mack has called for Marks & Spencers Love Sausage to be removed from Renfrewshire outlets! Marks & Spencers Love Sausage is a heart shaped, bacon wrapped sausage, which was marketed as a Valentine’s Day special.
This Daily Record article entitled “Controversial Paisley councillor takes aim at Marks & Spencer’s ‘Love Sausage’…” details the Councillor’s misguided attempt to ban the sausage. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. Per the article, “Conservative Councillor Tom Begg jumped to the defence of M&S in a response to [Mack’s] email,” adding “I can think of nothing more romantic than two Cumberland sausages wrapped in pastry (sic) in the shape of a heart for dinner in the evening of St Valentine’s Day.”
“I can think of nothing more romantic than two Cumberland sausages wrapped in pastry (sic) in the shape of a heart for dinner in the evening of St Valentine’s Day.”
Councillor Mack is no stranger to controversy. According to this Mirror article, “In October 2016, Councillor Mack was grilled by the watchdog after he claimed a council-funded trip to Germany was an excuse for his colleagues ‘going on the lash and playing hide the Frankfurter’.” The Mirror article provides further information about the good Councillor’s “expenses paid junket to Germany”.
Despite Mack’s protests the Love Sausage is safe, at least for the time being. Still, the Councillor’s actions represent yet another uncalled for and senseless attack on sausage. Perhaps he would be better off hiding Frankfurter in Germany.
For the love of sausage Councillor, leave our sausage alone!