Evo Terra, A Sausagefest.com Hero

Sausage Super Hero

Given the abundance of negative sausage news out there it’s understandable that any sausage lover might start feeling a bit depressed. There’s the sad story of the 22 year old unemployed, hyphenated Floridian who pelted his mom with sausage because she didn’t drop everything and make him a meal. A true candidate for the Sausagefest Wall of Sausage Shame if ever there was. Then there’s the report out of Milwaukee regarding the shutdown of a sausage plant after recalling 13 tons of headcheese due to a listeria threat. Speaking of the Wall of Sausage Shame, there’s this story regarding the German “sausage cartel” that was fined millions for keeping sausage prices artificially inflated for well over a decade. Another example of fine, upstanding corporate behavior in the modern age.

Sausage price fixing? Really? Enough with your corporate dirty tricks. Leave the sausage loving public alone!

–Billy Bratzenbier

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news. We recently discovered a new sausage hero who extols the virtues of variety and moderation, sausage style. And what exactly was Evo Terra’s impressive achievement? Losing 14 pounds in October by sticking to a diet of beer and sausages!

But wait. It gets even better. Dr. Terry Simpson, Evo’s doctor, reported that Evo’s cholesterol levels went down by a third while he was on the diet! Now that’s impressive. Bye-bye, statins. We regret to inform you that you’ve been replaced by sausage and beer. Read all about it in Evo’s book entitled The Beer Diet.

Sure, Evo requires the services of a designated driver due to the liquid portion of his diet but it’s a small price to pay for improved health!

We salute you, Evo! You are a true sausage hero and your story is both inspirational and heartwarming.

Check out Evo’s story in this Foodbeast article.


In Life Lessons – The Beer Diet, Eric Diaz reports on his personal experience following the Beer Diet. Eric lost 8 pounds in 10 days!